Diet advice fast oxidation

Balancing body chemistry requires time. In many cases, vital minerals have been replaced in the body tissues with toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum and others. These toxic metals are often bound in the tissues and may not show up on your initial hair tissue mineral analysis. The process of corrective healing and rebuilding of body chemistry may require many months to even years depending on your condition at the beginning of the program. It is a well known fact that it often takes six months to replenish one mineral, such as iron (reserves) in an individual with iron deficiency anemia. Additional factors such as diet, lifestyle, stress and medications can all alter mineral levels and ratios and can affect the rate of improvement.

General Dietary Principles:

For the fast and fast-mixed oxidizer, general dietary principles to follow are:
Many fast oxidizers can tolerate and flourish with an increase in their intake of fats and oils. Fats and oils are a source of high-energy nourishment for the fast oxidizer and are absorbed slowly, providing sustained energy which helps moderate fast oxidation. Fats and oils also provide acetates and fat-soluble vitamins, both of which are needed by the fast oxidizer.
Most fast oxidizers may include one of the following fat-containing foods with each meal:

  • Nuts, seeds and nut butters
  • Dairy fats: butter, cream, sour cream, or cheese
  • Meats: lamb, duck, goose, beef
  • Vegetable oils, mayonnaise, salad dressing
  • Avocado, coconut
  • Note: Certain cardiovascular conditions may require the modification of fat intake.
  • Moderate amounts of protein, which includes the above meats, all dairy and the high-purine proteins: organ meats(liver, heart, etc.), salmon, tuna, mackerel, herrings and sardines. Shellfish and legumes are of moderate purine content.
  • Reduce carbohydrates (starches and sugars, including fruit sugars) to a minimum. Also reduce whole wheat, rye and oats, unless they are sprouted. These grains are high in phytates which interfere with calcium, magnesium and zinc absorption. Fast oxidizers, therefore, have a strong tendency to be ‘allergic’ to these grains.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables with at least two of your meals per day.

Both the supplement and dietary recommendations are important for the eventual success of your program.

Eating habits are as important as what you eat.

  • Eat regular meals, at set times during the day if possible.
  • Allow time for meals, sit down to eat, refrain from eating on the run.
  • Chew your food thoroughly, eat slowly and relax for at least 10 minutes after eating before returning to work
    or other activities.
  • Food should be as fresh as possible and organically grown if possible. Simple food combinations can favorably assist digestion.


A healthy lifestyle will significantly enhance the speed at which your body chemistry will return to a balanced state. An unhealthy lifestyle will definitely slow progress.
Important Elements Of Lifestyle Are:


Getting plenty of sleep and rest is absolutely essential to obtain the best results possible from the program. Most healing takes place while you sleep. Sleep and rest allow your body to utilize the healthier foods and supplementary nutrients you are providing. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting proper amounts of sleep and rest. Eight to ten hours of sleep per night and a rest or nap of about 20 minutes per day will enhance the effectiveness of the nutrition program.
Individuals with adrenal insufficiency may find that the more they sleep, the worse they feel, especially upon arising. This occurs because their exhausted adrenal glands further slow down during sleep and upon awakening, the adrenal glands are functioning more slowly than when they went to bed. In these instances, it may be preferable to take short naps or rest periods several times a day if needed, no more than 20 minutes each, rather than sleep more hours at night.
Some people are reluctant to go to bed. By the end of the day, the adrenal glands finally become active, due to being ‘whipped’ all day. Such a person feels more alive in the evening (night people) and hence they are reluctant to go to bed. The solution to the above problem is to realize that the goal is to have normally functioning adrenal glands all day, without the need to ‘whip up’ the glands with coffee, exercise, mental stress or alcohol. By enhancing body chemistry and obtaining adequate rest, reactivation of the adrenal glands may be accomplished over a period of time.


Perform some type of gentle physical activity every day. Strenuous exercise is not necessary or recommended at this time. Light exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, yoga, stretching or gardening are excellent forms of exercise. Preferably, exercise out of doors. Don’t push any exercise to exhaustion.


When beginning your supplement program, it is important that you do not stop taking any prescribed medications. However, as your metabolism improves, some medications may gradually be reduced. It is our recommendation to discuss this with your doctor or health-care professional before making any changes.

How to Follow the Supplement Program.

  • The supplement program recommendations are based upon the results of your hair tissue mineral analysis. For optimal results, it is best to follow the program exactly as outlined. Do not combine the A.M., Noon and P.M. dosages.
  • Supplements should be taken just prior to, during, or immediately after meals.
  • If for any reason it is necessary to reduce the number of tablets, take the program twice, or even once per day, instead of three times per day.
  • You may take extra dietary aids if needed to combat gas or bloating. Start with one additional tablet per meal and increase tablet count as necessary to help alleviate bloating. Consult your health care professional if gas or bloating continues.
  • Supplements may be placed in zip-lock bags or in a vitamin chest to avoid having to open your supplement bottles every day.

What to Expect on the Program.

  • Generally, most individuals will notice some degree of change within a few weeks of beginning the program. However, everyone is different and some respond faster than others.
  • The program is designed to restore your body’s energy system. For this reason many people will feel an increase in their energy levels. If this occurs, do not immediately increase your workload and obligations. It is preferable to conserve the newly found energy, like putting money away in the bank. Otherwise, you may slow your progress considerably.
  • It is possible you may observe increased fatigue for a while. This is referred to as retracing and is discussed in the following section.
  • Conditions will be addressed in their own order, not necessarily in a sequence which you may think is most important. For this reason, you may notice improvement in certain areas first, while others require more time for correction.

Healing and Retracing.

Healing reactions are symptoms that accompany changes in body chemistry as deep healing occurs.
Retracing is the process whereby the body goes back and revisits chronic conditions in order to heal them completely. These may include sites of infection or injuries. An inflammatory process may possibly occur for a few days or less. Most people experience a half dozen or more low-grade chronic infections of which they are unaware. These may flare up or become painful as the healing process proceeds. Common sites are the eyes, ears, throat, sinuses, bladder and intestines. These types of symptoms will usually pass within a few days with supportive measures such as
additional rest and sleep. Reactions may also be due to the elimination of toxic metals. When an elimination occurs, toxic metals are first moved from storage tissues into the blood stream. They are then sent to the liver, kidneys, bowel and skin for removal from the body. During the time the toxic metals are present in the blood, one may experience symptoms such as a headache, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, constipation or stomach pain. These reactions are normal and part of the deep healing of the body. They usually pass within a day or two. It is best to temporarily stop your nutritional supplement program and rest more during these reactions.

Why Minerals May be Recommended Even if the Level is High.

Research has shown that replacement therapy, recommending those minerals that are deficient on the hair tissue mineral analysis, is often not an effective method of balancing body chemistry.
Instead, your supplement program takes into account the complex relationships between minerals and between minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it is common that a mineral that is low will not be recommended and that a mineral whose level is high will be recommended. This method is essential to the success of the program.


Retests are recommended in approximately three to four month intervals. Retesting is essential because as your body chemistry changes the diet and supplement program should be adjusted to meet your current needs. Otherwise, the program will no longer properly balance your body chemistry and your progress will cease. It is best not to remain on a supplement program more than six months without a retest.