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“4 Minerals Low” in the Hair Mineral Analysis?

One of the highly informative macromineral profiles in the HMA analysis is the so-called “Four Lows” profile. It means that all four macrominerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium) in the hair sample are below the optimal value.

An example is shown below:

HTMA Four low

The long experience with the HMA has shown that people with this profile are often difficult to treat because it is often overlooked that one of the biggest stress factors in these people is at the level of the intestine. This is usually a hypersensitivity to certain foods. This does not have to mean that a person is primarily in for intestinal complaints.

An illustrative example is the 58 year old woman from whom the above chart originates. She is suffering from transient complaints, somberness, psychologically fast-paced, rapid painful pain, often waking up in sleep, restlessness, fatigue and forgetfulness.

There is Parkinson and ALS in the family, and we know, thanks to all the research into the Gut-Brain axis in neurosciences, how big and disastrous the intestinal tract can be on the brain. We suggested her to do an Exorphine urine test. The results are as follows:

The above means that there is an overload of exorphins due to the intake of gluten and cow’s milk.

Prior to the lab results, she immediately started after sampling the urine, with cow’s milk and gluten-free food. When discussing the results about 7 weeks after the intake, there were already many and convincing improvements. Without this step, any other treatment would be time consuming with limited results, as is known from the treatment of people with a Four Lows profile.

Here is illustrated for therapists how much an HTMA at the start of treatment can be direct highly directive for additional investigations and treatment.

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